Why Would a Baby Pass Foul Smelling Gas?

Is your newborn farting alot? At first, it's funny and cute. But how can you help your baby and relieve their tummy trouble if they have a lot of gas?

This article discusses the causes of gas and the top 10 ways to relief gas in babies.

The video above is a great way tip on how to make a baby fart to relieve pressure.

Baby Farts

There's just something so remarkable about a new baby. Those tiny toes, big eyes, little hands, and adorable smiles are enough to melt your heart.

There are also some incredibly cute noises that come out of that little bundle of joy! The coos and screeches your little one makes are easily the cutest things you've ever heard.

Some noises, on the other hand, might not be so cute. I'm talking about baby farts!

I think we can all admit that we smile or giggle when our little ones let out a toot, but should we be concerned, or even a little embarrassed, if baby won't stop farting?

Curiosity and concern are staples of parenthood, and wondering how often your little one should be passing gas is perfectly normal. Rather than hiding your face during those awkward moments, you may want to read on to find out whether or not your little tooter's gassy habits are out of the norm.

Is It Normal for Babies to Fart a Lot?

Is your newborn farting a lot? My baby farts a lot so I know how you feel!

It may seem like your baby farts a lot, and that may be true. That's okay.

A lot of parents are worried about their baby farting all the time.

Although it seems a bit silly, there's no need to worry. You may think that those endless farts are something to be concerned about, but they're a very typical aspect of infancy.

There are no clear guidelines to how often your little one should be passing gas, but there are a few things to keep in mind. As long as your baby is happy during and in between his gassy episodes there's no need to worry.

Don't be embarrassed either if your newborn farts a lot every time you're out. Babies are full of surprises, and gas is no exception. It's all part of that wonderful thing called motherhood.

Seeing a baby farting loud can be a funny experience for strangers, so just laugh with them. In essence, babies farting can be hilarious if you don't take it too seriously.

What if My Baby Farts Stink?

You can probably get away with laughing at all the wonderful noises your baby is making. But it may not be as funny when those noises release a powerful aroma. A baby farting a lot can produce a lot of stinky smells.

You might be shocked when those strong odors seem to be coming from your little one, but should you be concerned?

Just like adults, babies can produce gas that isn't exactly pleasant to the nostrils. There's no need to be overwhelmed with concern if you find that your baby's gas is obnoxious.

Baby Smelly Gas

However, if you're still not convinced, there are a couple things to keep in mind when it comes to your child's gassy aroma:

Sulfur Smell: If your baby's farts have a somewhat sulfur-like aroma, it's perfectly normal. It's often caused by various foods that you, or your little one has eaten.

Foul Sulfur-like Smell: If your baby is passing gas that makes your eyes water and your nose crinkle then you may need to pay attention. Strong foul smelling gas could indicate that your child is having a reaction to something. This type of smell can often be a sign of a lactose sensitivity or intolerance.

In most cases, however, although your little one's farts may smell less than ideal, they're most likely just another exciting trait of infancy.

What are the Symptoms of a Gassy Baby?

If you're concerned that those constant farts are because your baby is truly struggling with gassiness, there are some key traits you can look out for:

1. Curling the Legs Up

Your baby may bend the knees and bring them up to the tummy.

2. Fussiness

If baby seems irritated or fussier than normal, it's possible that gassiness it the culprit.

3. Lack of Desire to Eat

An upset tummy may cause your little one to refuse the nipple.

4. Clenched fist

A clear sign of gassiness is a baby with clenched fists.

What is Causing My Baby to Be So Gassy?

It's important to keep in mind that your little one's system has a long way to go before it's functioning like yours. The digestive track of an infant is very sensitive, and their bodies need to become accustomed to anything new that's introduced to it.

It's possible that even the smallest change in diet or routine can affect your little one's pipes, and lead to endless episodes of passing gas. There are, however, a few things that are known to cause gas build up in a baby:

Food is filled with new enzymes that baby has never ingested, which often affects their digestive track. They just need a little bit of time to get used to the new foods, but in the meantime they may have some unflattering gas.

You can also try organic rice cereals (check out our guide here) at first, which are typically easier on the tummy.

3. Certain Foods

We all know that certain foods can cause gas, and it's no different for your little one. Your baby can even experience gas if you add these types of foods into your own diet.

4. Protein Intolerance

Babies can be sensitive, or intolerant, to the proteins found within your breast milk. For instance, many moms cut dairy from their own diets because their children don't seem to process it well. They can also be sensitive to the proteins found in formula!

When Is It Time to See the Doc?

Gassiness is a completely normal part of infancy, but it can sometimes be concerning. We want our babies to be feeling their best no matter what, and sometimes we may need a little help from the pros to make sure this happens.

Consider making a trip to the pediatrician if any of the following applies to your little one:

1. Baby is Inconsolable

If you can't seem to calm your fussy or crying baby, there may be a bigger issue than gas.

2. High Temperatures

If your baby comes down with a fever, particularly over 101 degrees.

3. Change in Bowels

If baby becomes consistently constipated, or if there is blood in the poop, you'll want to take your baby to the doctor.

4. Baby Cries When Farting

If your baby farts and cries, it could be something else. While gas is a common issue that can often be treated at home, you'll want to make sure that it is just gas. There is always a potential of something more serious, such as colic. If you suspect it's colic, you might want to go to the doctor and make sure you're using the right formula and bottles (see our recommendations here).

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Top 10 Ways to Soothe Your Gassy Baby

Below are 10 incredible tips to soothe your baby's gas issues. The tips address some of the most common problems that cause gas in your little ones. Try them out and let us know how well they worked in the comments below! 🙂

1. Switch up the Bottle

If your baby is bottle-fed then it may be time for a change.

You can switch to a bottle with a slow flow nipple like this bottle made by Comotomo, which will keep your child from swallowing too much air during a feeding.

The right type of bottle and formula can make a huge different for your baby's gas.

2. Try a new formula

3. Exercise those little legs

Leg movement is a great way to soothe your little one during those gassy days. Allowing your baby to roam in a walker, doing bicycles with the legs, and bending the legs at the knees and pressing them into the tummy are all great at relieving gas.

4. Baby Massage

Baby massages are great for your little one. They get the blood flowing, and relax those tired muscles. Massaging your baby's tummy in small circles can help break up some of the gas stuck in your baby's system.

To make it really relaxing you can use some massage oil like California Baby Massage Oil.

5. Warm Bath

A warm soak in the tub may help your little one's tummy quite a bit. Plus, it's fun!

6. Buuurrrpp

Burping your little one more often is a great way to relieve built up gas, while preventing new issues of gassiness.

7. Gas Drops/Gripe Water

It's a great idea to have both of these drops in your bag. Both are safe for baby, and can be used anytime gas seems to be bothering your baby.

As a rule of thumb, gripe water is a little weaker (easier on the tummy) than drops. Colic Calm Gripe Water is a great option to try as it's one of the most popular drops among moms.

8. Tummy Time

Tummy time is great all the time. It's beneficial for your baby in so many ways, but it can also get rid of pesky gas.

9. Hold your Baby

Like I have to tell you twice. Holding your baby is a great way at relieving his or her gas. In fact, there is even a special hold called the "gas hold" that is known to help release it.

10. Limit Air Intake

Try to keep your baby from sucking in excess air. Be sure to take the bottle away from baby once it's empty. This will discourage him or her from sucking in any air once the milk is gone.


Don't be too embarrassed if your baby sounds like a foghorn!

In fact, it's probably one of the few times in life that people might think it's cute. Your little one's body is just adjusting to all the excitement that the world has to offer. That sometimes leads to a gassy tummy.

There are plenty of ways to help soothe your baby during those times, but be sure to see the doctor if you can't seem to help your little one find relief. In the meantime, enjoy every moment with your baby, even the not-so-flattering ones.

Why Would a Baby Pass Foul Smelling Gas?

Source: https://www.themommyscoach.com/newborn-farting-alot/

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