DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art

Wire discussion art has become a popular DIY trend in the past few years. It has been used to decorate home décor, make jewelry, and even used in lighting projects. Personally, I had ever wanted to make some words out of wire but constitute the whole concept a chip difficult. However, later on some researching and trial and error, I found that making wire words was not as bad as it seemed. So today I volition exist showing you lot how to create some wire give-and-take art which is inspired by Halloween!

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art View in gallery

Today's projection is a Halloween inspired wire give-and-take block art! In this project, nosotros are making a discussion out of wire to be in the center of our wooden block. Making the word out of wire is probably the most challenging thing in this project, if you have never made a word out of wire earlier. If yous are someone who is new to making words out of wire, then I advise the following tips.

  • Purchase twenty-24 Gauge Wire and so your wire is bendable, merely still, holds it shape.
  • Write your word out on a slice of paper, to get an idea of how y'all want your word to wait.
  • Use piles and other tools to assistance create your give-and-take. For example, wrap your wire effectually a minor mark to become the perfect shape of an "O".
  • Leap in and outset making your wire words no thing how bad they might wait!

The terminal tip is really the key to making words out of wire. And so don't worry about your wire word looking right the get-go time, second time, or even the third time. Just keep practicing and experimenting, to find the right way and rhythm which works best for you lot!

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Supplies View in gallery


  • Wooden Block
  • Scrapbooking Paper
  • Xyron 3" Sticker Maker
  • Paint (matching the color of your scrapbooking paper)
  • 24 Gauge Gilt Wire
  • Pliers
  • Foam Brush
  • Scissors
  • Industrial Strength Gum (not pictured)
DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Step 1 View in gallery

Step ane: Pigment your wooden block and ready it aside to dry.

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art - Cut the scrapbooking View in gallery

Step 2: Cutting out your scrapbooking paper that is the same size as your wooden block.

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Step 3 View in gallery

Step 3: Take hold of your scrapbooking paper slice and slide it through your Xyron 3" Sticker Maker.

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Adhesive View in gallery

Step 4: Add your scrapbooking paper piece to the front of your wooden block. Before calculation information technology through, make sure y'all rub your scrapbooking newspaper piece while it's on the Xyron Sticker paper. That way, you lot'll be creating a really potent adhesives backing.

When your scrapbooking paper piece is on your wooden block, trim around the edges with some scissors, to get a squeamish clean border.

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Gold Wire View in gallery

Step 5: Grab your gilded wire and cut off a slice that is nearly 12 inches. Then by using your fingers and pliers, brainstorm forming your word. Once you lot're happy with the wait, cut off any extra wire.

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Glue View in gallery

Step 6: Take your wire discussion and add together a bit of glue to the back. Then adhere it to your wooden block and set information technology aside to dry.

Once your wire word is completely dry out, you're ready to brandish your wire discussion block art!

DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Project View in gallery
DIY Halloween Wire Word Block Art Decor View in gallery

I dearest how these wire word blocks turned out! They would look so cute either on a bookshelf or on a coffee table.

Like I mentioned before, the primal to making words out of wire is to only jump in and outset practicing. In one case you get the hang of making the words, you tin can then spell out almost whatever word of your choosing. In this case, if you making this for Halloween, you may want to use words like boo, scary, spooky, Halloween, monster, or candy. Boo, (I feel) would be a swell word to start out with since its brusque and pretty easy to make.

If you made this wire word block art, what discussion would you attempt to make?


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